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Here is my Projects

Stock Profit-Loss Calculator

stock-profit-loss-calculator snapshot

Stock Profit Loss Calculator App which ask user for 3 fields Initial price, Quanity bought and the Current price. On basis of this input it calculates whether it is a Loss or Profit. It displays the Percentage of Loss and Profit as well.

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App which checks whether your birthday is a palindrome birthday or not.

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screenshot of dothraki-translator app

A website which helps you to learn about triangles.

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A website which can help you to check whether your birthday is lucky or not.

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Cash Register-Manager


A cash register manager which helps the user by telling how can he/she return the change to the customer with minimum number of notes.

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Movie Recommendator

screenshot of dothraki-translator app

Recommendation of Hollywood/Bollywood movies of different genres like Crime-Drama, Sci-Fiction, and fictional. It is built using ReactJS.

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Emoji Interpreter

screenshot of dothraki-translator app

Sometimes finding the exact meaning of Emoji becomes a tough task. EmojiRecog is here to help and search the meaning instantly. It is built using ReactJs

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screenshot of dothraki-translator app

Convert from English to Dothraki. The Dothraki language is a constructed fictional language in Game of Thrones, where it is spoken by the Dothraki, the indigenous inhabitants of the Dothraki Sea.

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Minion Translator

minion Translator-app screenshot

Are you a fan of minions? Did you know that the gibberish they say is an actual language. Use the translator to convert your text from English to Minion speak or Banana language. It is built using funtranslation API.

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Personal Portfolio

Mark(3, 4, 5)
screen shot of portfolio

Portfolio website showcases my mark15 projects, skills, work experience and technolgies I've worked till now. Check out my portfolio by clicking demo.

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CLI-Quiz app - Game of Thrones

Got quiz screenshot

A CLI quiz app Based on very popular TV Series Game of Thrones

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CLI-Quiz app - 13 Reasons Why!


A Fun CLI bases quiz app made with NodeJS and JavaScript on popular tv Series 13 Reasons Why!

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